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Category : bluboats

Lake Garda Regatta Training 2024

This spring, Bluboats is once again organizing the popular regatta training on Lake Garda for the Blu26 class together with the Sailingcenter Tegernsee. During four days from 21 to 24 March 2024, training sessions on the water and on land with professional sailor Christian Scherrer and sailing instructor Stephan Eder are on the program.

In addition to sailing, video debriefings and theory, there will also be plenty of social and culinary activities. The training will conclude with a small regatta series. Team and individual registrations with or without a boat are possible. The training takes place in cooperation with Fraglia Vela Riva in Riva del Garda.

The announcement with all information and dates is available at the following link:

Registrations by email to:

See you soon at Lake Garda!


Gardasee Regatta Training 2023

Auch diese Jahr organisiert Bluboats zusammen mit dem Sailingcenter Tegernsee wieder das beliebte Regatta Training am Gardasee für die Blu26 Klasse. Während vier Tagen vom 23. bis am 26. März 2023 stehen Trainingseinheiten auf dem Wasser und zu Land mit Profisegler Christian Scherrer und Segellehrer Stephan Eder auf dem Programm.

Neben dem Segeln, den Debriefings mit Video und der Theorie soll auch das Gesellschaftliche und Kulinarische nicht zu kurz kommen. Das Training wird abgeschlossen mit einer kleinen Regattaserie. Team- und Einzelanmeldungen mit oder ohne Boot sind möglich. Das Training findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fraglia Vela Riva in Riva del Garda statt.

Die Ausschreibung mit allen Infos und Daten ist unter folgendem Link erhältlich: Ausschreibung Regattatraining Garda 2023.  Anmeldungen per Email an: info@bluboats.com.

Bis bald am Gardasee! 


Lake Garda Regatta Training March 2022

After a two-year break, Bluboats is organising now again the blu26 Regatta Training on Lake Garda, in cooperation with the Sailingcenter Tegernsee. The Regattatraining will take place in Riva del Garda at the sailing club Fraglia Vela Riva. During four days, from the 24th to the 27th of March 2022, pro sailor Christian Scherrer and Stephan Eder will coach you to become a better sailor and learn more about the blu26.

In addition to the training and racing on the water, video analysis and theoretical parts, we guarantee the usual friendly social time and great Italian food.

The training will end with a short regatta series. Teams and individuals with or without their own boats are welcome.

For more information about the Regattatraining contact us by email info@bluboats.com. The inscription form for the training is available under: Inscription Regattatraining Garda 2022.

We’re looking forward to see you in spring on Lake Garda.


Team Hazel wins Bluboats Cup 2019

For the second consecutive year, team ‘Hazel’ from Zurich Yacht Club secured not only the win of the blu26 Cup Zurich, but also the overall bluboats Cup for 2019.  

Looking back, the blu26 season 2019 was exceptionally diverse: over 23 teams, 70 races, more than 100 sailors and regattas in four countries!  And with no sign of any race hangover, team Hazel sailed through the season.  After five blu26 Cups, six races determined the annual winner last weekend.  The first day challenged the sailors during five races with winds up to 4 bft – gusting up to 5 bft – and partly heavy rain.  On the second day the wind weakened. Still, the patience and determination of the race officer payed off and an additional race could be realized.

This season, 23 teams were listed for the yearly ranking, led by team ‘Hazel’ from Zurich Yacht Club with Anita Di Lasio, Michael Klötzli (skipper), Bruno Coduri and Dirk Euler. With the win of the blu26 Cup Zurich, team ‘Hazel’ was also able to secure the overall win of the bluboats Cup 2019. Team ‘Hazel’ won the Zurich Cup followed by the Danish team ‘GoSail’ with skipper Soeren Laugesen in second place and team ‘Sailingcenter’ with skipper Julian Franke-Ruthel, of Yacht Club Bad Wiessee, Germany in third. In the annual ranking, team ‘Voodoo Child’ was second und team ‘Giachen Ün’ third overall.

The day before the races, the annual meeting of the blu26 International Class Association took place on Friday, 4 October. Two new committee members were voted, and new initiatives presented and agreed to maintain the attractiveness of the blu26 class. The next sailing season is awaiting the blu26 sailors with yet again an exciting schedule. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Bluboats would like to thank herewith the blu26 class and the Zurich Yacht Club for the perfect organisation of the Zurich Herbstpreis 2019 and for the excellent hosting.

More information about the bluboats Cup, results and photos under: www.blu26.org

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Ten years blu26 – The video

As the blu26 celebrates its tenth anniversary, examples continue to be sailing enthusiastically across Europe, by a mix of pro teams, private owners, sailing schools, yacht clubs and event companies – all giving their owners the same pleasure as they did when they were first launched.

Photo Credits: Jürg Kaufmann, Loris von Siebenthal, Tom Gonsior, Martin-Sebastian Kreplin, Beat Müller, Claudia Somm

Video Edit: Jürg Kaufmann

Video Concept: Christian Scherrer / Bluboats GmbH