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Category : blu26


blu26 – Kaenon Match Race Zürich

In light wind conditions and gloriously sunny automn weather local matador Marcel Walser and his team won the Kaenon Match Race Zurich against seven other teams without loosing any races. Thus, Walser and his team qualified for the swiss championship in Match Racing. Team Brauchli ranked 2nd ahead of Team Renker
in 3rd place.

Team Brauchli (SUI05) racing against Team Aloha (SUI06)
Picture by Cornelia Geiger / bildblick.ch

bluboats – blu26 at the Interboot in Friedrichshafen

We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth at the Interboot Fair in Friedrichshafen taking place from September 20 to 28. You will find us in hall A3 at booth no. 106.
The bluboats Team around Christian Scherrer and Christian Bolinger will be welcoming you at the Bluboats’ Booth. We are looking forward to your visit!

For more information on the Interboot Fair: www.interboot.de


blu26 – Matthieu Richard wins the St. Moritz Match Race 2008

Matthieu Richard and his team win the St. Moritz Match Race.
With two convincing wins in light wind conditions, the vice-champion of last year’s World Match Racing Tour took the victory in the 2008 edition of the St. Moritz Match Race. Ian Williams, the winner of last year’s World Match Racing Tour was defeated only in the finals and finished 2nd. Philippe Presti and his team ranked 3rd.
During the week the twelve competing teams were fighting for victory on the blu26 in the St. Moritz Match Race, which was again part of the World Match Racing Tour. The sailors proofed to be convinced by the functional decklayout, the maneuvreability and the speed of the blu26.

For more information about the World Match Racing Tour: www.worldmatchracingtour.com


blu26 – St. Moritz Match Race 2008 02.-07.09.2008

During the first week of September the world’s best Match Race skippers will meet for the sixth time in the Engadine Valley. These skippers will compete for points in the Match Racing World Championship and a total purse of 150,000 Swiss francs. The blu26 is the new offical boat for the event and six of them are ready for the contest. There will be live commentary during the racing, which can easily be followed as it takes place close to the shore. Great sporting action is guaranteed!
For those who want to try sailing a blu26 for themselves, you can book a trial session by contacting Christian Bolinger. See you there!
For further information about the Match Race see www.stmoritz-matchrace.ch

blu26 – Boat christening in Zug

The two blu26 boats owned by ZugSailing have been named at a ceremony in Zug harbour. ZugSailing has been running a succesful sailing school with these two boats since June and bluboats wishes ZugSailing every success and fair winds.


blu26 – SUI 03 launched on Lake Zürich


The blu26 SUI 03 has been delivered to its new owner, Beat Müller. The maiden voyage was completed on Lake Zurich with a light breeze and sunshine. Also aboard was Christian ‘Blumi’ Scherrer, Partner of bluboats and Joëlle the daughter of the owner.


blu26 – SUI 01 and 02 are sailing on Lake Zug

The first two boats of the blu26 series have been handed over to ZugSailing and are already in use. ZugSailing runs a sailing school, Corporate Sailing, and events. You can find out more about ZugSailing and its activities from their website.



blu26 – SUI 01 Test sailing in the Baltic Sea

SUI 01, the first series produced blu26 has been tested for four days in the Baltic Sea. During testing, the bluboats construction and sailing team found the yacht’s high quality and excellent sailing features very convincing. The minor changes, which have been concluded from the prototype to boat number 01, proofed to be very positive. Bluboatsis already looking forward to launching boat number 1 & 2 at the lake of Zug.

blu26 SUI 01 during sailing test in the Baltic Sea.

blu26 – The official boat for the 2008 St. Moritz Match Race

The 6th St. Moritz Match Race, which takes place from 2-7 September this year, will be competed for using the new blu26 boats, a decision recently reached by the event’s organising committee. The bluboats team are delighted about this selection and will deliver six blu26 one-design yachts for this high-level event in the Swiss mountains in which the world’s best sailors from the America’s Cup and the match racing scene participate.

The 4-man boat has been especially developed by bluboats for match- and fleet-racing, and has been designed with Switzerland’s particular wind and weather conditions in mind. The result is a highly developed and refined racing yacht, which is ideally suited for racing on Lake St Moritz. In fact, the blu26 was trialled here during last year’s Match Race event.

The St. Moritz Match Race Regatta offers the highest prize money in Switzerland, and not only does it form part of the World Match Racing Tour, but it also counts towards the ISAF World Match Racing Championship. This status guarantees very competitive racing with the world’s best in the Engadin valley… this year on the blu26.

For more information visit:
www.stmoritz-matchrace.ch and www.worldmatchracingtour.com