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blu26 regatta calendar 2014

blu26 Bayerncup Tegernsee 2013

blu26 Bayerncup Tegernsee 2013

The new blu26 regatta calendar 2014 is now available. Traditionally the season starts in early April with the winter training in Acquafresca on Lake Garda. Just a week after the first class regatta on Lake Constance kicks of the Bluboats Cup, the yearly overall class championship. The Bluboats Cup counts a total of six regattas. The class championship, which will take place in Ascona on the beautiful Lago Maggiore, is set to be one of the season’s high light. Newly the St. Moritz Cup also counts for the Bluboats Cup. At this particular event the boats are provided by the class, which opens the doors also to sailors from other classes. For the Bluboats Cup five out of six regattas will count, the result of the class championship in Ascona can’t be discarded.

For further information please visit the blu26 class website.

We’re looking forward to a great racing season.

Date Event Location
03.04- 06.04.14 Winter Training Lake Garda Acquafresca ITA
12.04- 13.04.14 Sportboot Cup Kreuzlingen
03.05- 04.05.14 Zugersee Cup Zug
13.06- 15.06.14 blu26 Class Championship Ascona
30.08- 31.08.14 St. Moritz Cup St. Moritz
20.09- 21.09.14 Bayern Cup Bad Wiessee GER
04.10- 05.10.14 Herbstpreis Zürich