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Read MoreSalon nautique du Léman
Come and visit us at the Salon nautique du Léman from the 8th till the 10th of November in Morges. More information under: salon-nautique
Read Morebluboats cup 2013 – Victory for Giachen Racing
No races could be finished this weekend at the autumn regatta of the Zurich Yacht Club, the last regatta on this years blu26 regatta calendar. This turned the lead of Stephan Hawranke's Giachen Racing Team from the Sailing-Club St. Moritz with Giachen Duos into the victory this year's overall ranking of the blu26
Read MoreMastebeto wins the blu26 St. Moritz Cup 2013
13 Regatta teams from Germany and Switzerland went to the beautiful Engadin valley to participate in the blu26 St. Moritz Cup. The weather forecast promised a perfect weekend with Maloja wind, sunshine and up to 20 knots of wind. From Friday afternoon to Sunday 15 races could be sailed. The teams sailed in
Read MoreVolvo MR Cup 2013 – Jerome Clerc wins again
The last stopover and therefore the final oft he Volvo Match Race Cup 2013 was held at the Société Nautique de Genève, where the best Swiss match racer met to fight for the national title. Great weather and a good breeze enabled to sail two almost completed round robins, the
Read MoreVictory for Volvo Marstrand at the Uristier
On the last weekend eight blu26 teams from Germany and Switzerland met at the Segelclub Uri for the famous Uristier, a blu26 class regatta. In perfect conditions with bright sunshine and a moderate thermical breeze of around 15 knots on Saturday and Sunday 5 races could be held. With a strong second day Wim
Read MoreInvitation to the blu26 St. Moritz Cup 2013
On the weekend of 6th - 8th September the Segelclub St. Moritz, the blu26 class and the Jugend Regatta Förderverein are organizing the 2nd blu26 St. Moritz Cup as “fleet race in groups”. Max 18 teams are able to participate on the 6 blu26, provided by the event organizers. The regatta is open to all regatta
Read MoreVictory for blunote at the Silber Cup in Romanshorn
Seven blu26 teams met at the Yacht Club Romanshorn for the blu26 class regatta. Due to the light conditions on Lake Constance the race officer Ivo Gonzenbach and his team could only start one race. Beat Müller with his team on 'blunote' were the winners ahead of the teams of Christa Kuster on 'Giachen
Read More3 ORE di Ascona
Last Saturday the “3 ORE di Ascona“, a very special long distance race organized by “asconautica“ and the family Meier, was held on Lago Maggiore. The challenge was to round a triangular race course as many times as possible within 3 hours. The sailing festival took place on wonderfull sunny day
Read MoreVictory for Voodoo Child at Zug
Eight blu26 teams met at the Yacht Club Zug for the first blu26 class regatta of 2013. Windy and partly tricky conditions prevailed on Lake Zug during the 8 races sailed over the weekend. David Menti SIMPL with his team on 'Voodoo Child' were the winners ahead of the teams of Georgia
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